Linkliste: Großbritannien als Umweltvorreiter

Mit kleinen aber feinen und vor allem gezielten Aktionen macht Großbritannien in Sachen Umwelt in den Nachrichten momentan aufmerksam auf sich. Im deutschsprachigen Raum können wir uns davon noch eine Scheibe abschneiden.
Hier die Schlagzeilen:

  • The Guardian: Plastic microbeads ban enters force in UK - Manufacturing ban means the tiny beads which harm marine life can no longer be used in cosmetics and personal care products
    "On Sunday, the prime minister, Theresa May tweeted: “In 2015 we introduced the 5p charge on plastic carrier bags, we now see 9bn fewer bags being used. It’s making a real difference. We want to do the same with single use plastics. Nobody who watched #BluePlanet2 will doubt the need for us to do something - and we will.”"

  • Independent: Iceland becomes first supermarket to go 'plastic-free' for own brand products in landmark announcement - Iceland said it was the first major retailer globally to go "plastic-free" on its own label products and aimed to complete the move by the end of 2023.

  • Wired: Britain's Next Megaproject: A Coast-to-Coast Forest
    "If fully realized along the lines announced this week, the forest will ultimately contain 50 million new trees, stretched in a dense 62,000-acre patchwork along a 120-mile strip. Not only will the forest repopulate one of the least wooded parts of the country with local, mainly broadleaf tree species, it will also provide a band of newly greened landscape to escape to from the many big cities located nearby."


Der Lean Muscle Experte: Personal Trainer @otmane_skillbeast


Review: Pure Delight Detox - Eat Lean