Instagram Round-Up: Der Aufstand indigener Völker
Die Feuer im Amazonas dominieren gerade Instagram. Vergleiche zum Notre Dame-Feuer und dessen Medienpräsenz sowie zahlreichen Finanzierungsbekundungen wurden berechtigterweise gezogen, während die Amazonas-Feuer drei Wochen ohne großen Medienaufschrei gewütet haben sollen. (Mal ganz abgesehen davon, dass Notre Dame noch relativ wenig von dem versprochenen Geld der Milliardäre zu Gesicht bekommen haben soll.)
Auf der ecuadorianischen Seiten des Amazonas konnten währenddessen die Waorani einen Rechtsstreit gegen eine Ölbohrung gewinnen und setzen sich weiterhin für die Erhaltung des Amazonas ein.
Mehr dazu bei @amazonfrontlines.
Gleichzeitig kämpfen aber auch die Frauen der Djab Wurrung, ein indigener australischer Stamm, für in ihren Augen heilige Bäume, die ihnen jahrzehntelang als Geburtsstätte gedient haben und in deren Nähe Plazentas gepflanzt wurden. Mehr kann man hier lesen.
Hier kann man dazu eine Petition unterschreiben.
Und der hawaiianische Schauspieler Jason Momoa setzt sich gemeinsam mit Ureinwohner gegen den Bau eines Teleskopes auf dem Vulkan Mauna Kea ein. Petition dazu hier.
In etwas seichteren Nachrichten: Bella Hadid frönt inzwischen ihrer Vorliebe für Kristalle, Stephanie Sheperd - ehemalige Assistentin Kim Kardashians - macht mit einem Statement zu Zero Waste auf sich aufmerksam, Rainbow Hair und ein Rezept für Matcha Zitronen Mohn Donuts.
Indigenous People around the globe are leading the environmental movement. Defending sacred lands on the front line is how we are doing that on#djapwurrungcountryand by keeping culture alive. In honour of our old people and#forfuturegensto come. New York Times Article
PSA: EVICTION STILL PENDING. Now is not time to let up. Another day and the support must continue@dwembassyagainst the destruction of Sacred Djab Wurrung Womens sites as set to go ahead as endored by@danielandrewsmp
Standing in solidarity with protesters on Mauna Kea, protecting the Sacred ‘āina from scientific imperialism. It breaks my heart to see indigenous people and land continue to be dismissed by the state of Hawaii and its wealthy developers.
Words from @kanielaing:
“You don’t have to be Hawaiian to understand the dangerous precedent this sets. Mauna Kea impacts all of us. It’s an environmental struggle against wealthy developers who seek free reign. It’s a microcosm of what’s happening across Hawaii and the world: profiteers exploiting fragile places without regard for the future. We’re not concerned about how many passive dollars this will bring our economy. We are concerned about whether we will be able to breathe in 20 years, or be out of fresh water, or have any space left in our sacred places, or if the beaches we grew up in still be there. Some things are more important than a quick buck—like our planet’s and peoples’ survival. That would be $1.3 billion well spent. #maunakea #wearemaunakea#kukiaimauna”
To support, visit / donate to Hawaii Community Bail Fund
lilnativeboy —> swipe through on Instagram
full thread is pinned on my twitter & before any assumptions are made I am proud of being raised how I was and even though there were challenges there was also incredible amounts of beauty mixed in with the chaos
The first step is accepting that by committing to a plastic-free lifestyle, you are committing to being a contradiction. Change is a process and it takes time.
Yes, you may find yourself carrying a reusable water bottle in your synthetic clothes driving a gas-guzzling car. You may forget your bottle one day and reach for a plastic one in dehydrated desperation. Someone may call you out on it. It’s ok. Tell that person to fuck off, you’re only human.
After all, we don’t need a handful of people doing this perfectly, we need millions of people doing this imperfectly.
#flashbackfridayto our@studyhall.earthlast#augustin Los Angeles#la[Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.] 🕊 We stand with#maunakeaand all#nativeand#indigenouspeople protecting land, rivers, forests, mountains, air on this Planet 🌍
Another stunning sunset#nida
The labyrinth light just hits my@elihalili&@jacquieaichedifferent...🔮few of my favorite things....Can’t believe there are moon stones n diamonds and crystals that look like this...#mothernaturelove💜
I call this: taking a bite outta Monday. 🍵🍋 Gluten free and vegan MATCHA LEMON POPPY SEED BAKED DONUTS.
Matcha Lemon Poppy Seed Donuts (makes 6 donuts):
* 1 + 1/2 cup GF flour
* 1 tsp baking powder
* 2 tsp@aiyamatchaculinary matcha
* 1 flax egg (can sub for one chicken egg)
* 1/2 cup coconut sugar
* 2 tsp poppy seeds
* 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
* 2 tsp fresh lemon zest
* 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
* 6 tbsp nut milk
Matcha Cream Cheese Frosting:
* 2 tsp@aiyamatchaculinary matcha
* 2 tsp hot water (to be mixed with matcha)
* 1/2 cup dairy free cream cheese
* 1/2 tbsp honey
* 1 tbsp vegan vanilla protein powder
Whisk wet ingredients together then mix in dry. Bake at 375°F for 12 minutes. Let cool, then frost. What’s your favorite childhood donut? Those pink donut boxes are pretty iconic, aren’t they? 😛
Chocolate Prism 🌈🍫
...And your children. And your children’s children. The amazon provides 20% of our oxygen every year and it’s burning at a record rate right now and for the past 18/19 days. This is a WORLD Emergency and effects all of our security. Still, the media has not made this a priority. You can’t afford to ignore this.