Past Life Regression: Rückführung in alte Leben & deine Spirit Guides entdecken
Dank dem Buch “Many Lives, Many Masters” (dt. Die zahlreichen Leben der Seele) fand Marije Terluin zur Past Life Regression. Auf Deutsch auch Rückführungen genannt.
Marije lebt in Berlin und gibt dort 1:1 Sessions aber auch Online-Gruppensessions.
Wer jetzt denkt: oh mein Gott, was für ein Hokus Pokus. I feel you. Mir fällts auch selber zum Teil noch schwer daran zu glauben. Aber man braucht zum Beispiel nur nach Asien schauen, wo der Glaube an Reinkarnation viel verankerter in der Kultur ist.
Marije Terluin arbeitet als Past Life Regressionist in Berlin. Sie verwendet dabei Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) - eine Technik von Dolores Cannon. Bei Rückführungen kann man vergangene Leben entdecken.
Wir haben darüber gesprochen:
wie sie Past Life Regression entdeckt hat
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)
wie man zwischen einer Erinnerung & Medienimpressionen unterscheiden kann
wie man mit seinen Spirit Guides in Kontakt treten kann
wie man 100-300 Jahre in die Zukunft reisen kann
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What is past life regression?
A past life regression is a way to re-experience your past lives. I have two techniques for this: one-on-one regressions and groups. The one-on-one regression consists of 3 parts.
Firstly, me and the client sit down to talk about their life as it is right now in a somewhat chronological order. Here, I find out what is going on, what they are dealing with, what is important to them. I need this background to know what to ask when we go into session.
Secondly, the session: the clients lie down and close their eyes. I guide them by using hypnosis to experience a past life. They are the ones experiencing it, I am only asking open-ended questions. The life they are experiencing is somehow relevant to their life right now – it is whatever the higher self wants them so see.
In the third part we call for their higher self to speak directly through them. The clients are lending their voice to their own higher self. This part is magical – literally anything can happen. We get to ask whatever questions the client might have – I always ask them to bring a list of questions. Common questions are: What is my life purpose? Why am I here? Why did I choose these parents to be born to? Why do I keep having backpain? Why is my relationship with my partner this way? How can we change it? How do I release this blockage that I have around money? It could really be about everything. And the higher self is this very loving part within us. It gives the most beautiful, inspiring answers and it is always there to motivate you, to help you move forward in your life.
„This is where the magic happens: when you listen back and hear your own voice answering your own questions, but it is something else that is answering them. This is such a special thing: you are getting advice from the deepest part within yourself.“
I audio-record the sessions – it is super important for people to listen back to it. While getting into it, my clients are aware – but as soon as the higher self comes, the conscious mind leaves. It may come back in waves – but generally, it leaves. When you come out of the session, you do not remember everything you said. This is where the magic happens: when you listen back and hear your own voice answering your own questions, but it is something else that is answering them. This is such a special thing: you are getting advice from the deepest part within yourself.
Marije’s perfect morning
I wish my mornings were more routine-based – but on a good morning, I take time to write down my dreams. There are always symbolic messages. As soon as I write it down, the meaning comes through. Maybe I dreamt of a person from way back and ask myself: Why would I dream of this person? But all of a sudden, I see what this person represents and what message there is.
Before I fall asleep, I write down some questions. When I revisit them after writing down my dreams, the answers just come to me very quickly. This is a very simple way of channeling. I recommend starting with easy, open ended question. All of a sudden you get a vibe: “oh this is the message”. As soon as you start practicing and trusting this, the messages will get stronger and stronger. This is a wonderful thing to do in the morning.
Discovering past life regression
About 5 years ago, I was not at all a spiritual person. I didn’t think of reincarnation as something serious. My background is agnostic. But 4 years ago, somebody gifted me the book “Many Lives – Many Masters” by Brian Weiss. I was fascinated – but also really confused. I thought: There is no way this can be real – nobody ever talked to me about this! The next morning, something interesting happened.
„All of a sudden, I heard this very strong voice. It said: “You knew about reincarnation all along, it is time for you to remember it now.” I was completely in shock.“
All of a sudden, I heard this very strong voice. It said: “You knew about reincarnation all along, it is time for you to remember it now.” I was completely in shock. I heard it, but I also really felt it in my body, it was almost like I was hit by lightning. I had to sit down, I was like: This can’t be what is this? But I also decided: if this is real, I need to know everything there is to know about it.
That is where my journey started – and I haven’t stopped learning, talking about it. It is still going.
How to deal with sceptics
I am totally cool with people who don’t believe this. I am not here to convince you. You believe what you believe. I also had to have my personal experience to turn this around. Sometimes clients come to me in a session that don’t believe it – they still come, because they are very curious. For me, this is a sign: the higher self keeps inspiring them.
You don’t have to believe it to actually have a successful past life experience. You can still have the experience – it is just up to you what you do with it afterwards. Afterwards, these clients always say: I don’t know what to say.
Quantum healing hypnosis technique - QHHT
I use the QHHT-technique. It was created by a lady called Dolores Cannon. She passed away in 2014, but she has developed past life regression techniques for almost 60 years. When she stumbled over the topic back in the 1960s, there were no techniques – she had to develop her own ones. And she never stopped: she always kept trying new things. I would highly recommend reading her or watching her You Tube videos to anyone who is interested in past life regression.
To get into it, Brian Weiss is a good start – and if you love it, go with Dolores Cannon. There is a lot of You Tube material of her: she used to do a radio show, it was called metaphysical hour, all that is on the platform. As soon as you see her, you know she is real. There is no game going on, she does not try to convince anyone. She is just telling everyone how it is.
QHHT versus stage hypnosis
The thing we see on television is called stage hypnosis. It always freaks me out when I see it, to be honest. I use a very natural hypnotic trance – it is something everybody goes in and out of every day of their life. If you focus your attention and awareness on one point, you are no longer conscious of everything around you – you are not necessarily noticing if somebody is calling your name or if there is a bird flying by the window. You are focusing on one point.
This state can occur when you are on the phone, watching TV or reading a book. With my method, the clients close their eyes and focus on the inside. It is easy to get into and not invasive. It is not hard to get into hypnotic trance – and it can open doors you did not even know you had.
Why should someone do a past life regression?
It is a different reason for everybody, I get such a huge variety of clients. When I started, it gave me such a big perspective in life. Before, I thought my problems were big problems – now I see: it is no big deal to learn certain things, it is just a matter of experiencing and growing. Past life regression showed me: hey – it is not just this one life, there is so much more than meets the eye. It allowed me to get that helicopter-view over my own life. To go with the flow.
When my clients come, they are often stuck in life, they want to know what their life purpose is. Sometimes it is also physical problems – but this is not something I often advertise, I don’t want people to think I can heal them. As the higher self always says: I can only help people, if they are already helping themselves. Still – literal physical healing often happens. It is the same with energetic healing. Their higher self will tell people exactly what to do.
Marije Terluin: “Before we come into this life, we make a pre-birth plan. In this plan, we’ve identified what we want to learn, with who we want to learn, what karma we want to work out.”
Before we come into this life, we make a pre-birth plan. In this plan, we’ve identified what we want to learn, with who we want to learn, what karma we want to work out. How we are going to enjoy our lives. All our higher self wants is us to realign with this. That is the biggest thing: to just get back on the path.
The higher self
Our soul consists of 2 different parts. One is incarnated in the body. The other is still on the other side: it is still where we came from. This part knows all about our past lives – it knows about this pre-birth-plan, it knows exactly what you came here to do. It knows what you want to experience and learn from. This is the higher self. You can call it soul. Dolores Cannon actually called it subconscious in her early stages.
It is not like some clients imagine it: many believe that something from outside is taking over and that this will speak through them. This is wrong. The higher self is something from the inside that is often overshadowed by our everyday-voice. With hypnosis, we can get back to focus on the higher self’s voice. We get the conscious mind, the everyday-voice, to move along to the background.
How do people experience their past lives?
All that it is, is that you are remembering things with the mind. For some people, the mind works by creating visual images. For others, it is a sense of feeling or knowing. While in session, all your senses get activated: people get very emotional or hot, or they smell, taste things. Some have very strong reactions: usually it is a combination of all these factors. But I always tell people: don’t get hung up on the visual. Remembering works on deeper levels.
In the beginning, it is difficult to accept. It even was for me. I thought: oh, maybe I have seen this in a movie, or maybe I read this in a book. Our ego, our conscious mind is trying to poke us. But the big difference between remembering a movie and a past life is, that past life regression is very emotional. You have certain feelings about the things and people you see, because you are emotionally attached to them. Many clients start to cry & become very emotional.
How many past lives can one experience in one session?
Difference between past life & something you’ve seen in a movie.
The average is one or two. But I let the higher self decide. If it goes to the last day of that life really quick, I say – ok, then let’s move on to a next one. Some people skip through many different lives – if I ask them to move forward, they just go to whole other life. If people see many lives, there is usually an overarching theme.
The important thing is to find out why we are being shown this. Not just the facts. Ok, you were a maid and lives in Sweden – but what is the story behind it? What are we here to learn from it? If you don’t learn the lesson, the next time we do a past life regression you are going to see the same scene. The higher self will say: first, you still need to understand why we are showing you this life.
What if I don’t feel / hear / see much of anything?
That does not happen often. In group it never happens, maybe the group pressure. But sometimes in one-on-one sessions, if the clients have a harder time or feel a little nervous. It is totally fine, it is just a matter of time. Their conscious mind is not really willing to take the backseat yet. That is where the QHHT technique comes in: people need to feel safe and relaxed to allow whatever needs to come through. But in the end, everybody will have an experience.
We always begin with visualizations. That activates the right part of the brain. The right part stores all the emotions, it’s the creative and intuitive side. It is connected to the higher self. When I first learned how to channel my spirit guides, the right side of my head would get completely hot. It would literally get warm. It was the same with the morning dreams. With time, the impressions will come.
Common themes
As humans, we measure success in the amount of comfort that we have in life. The higher self, the soul, does not measure it this way: the higher self measures it on how much we learn, how much we grow, how much joy we have in life. Those are two different things. In regression, this often comes up. It can show you your way in many different ways: Sometimes it shows a life where you took the wrong choice and how it worked out for you. Sometimes it does the opposite, depending on the person, whatever they need to get motivated. This is the big thing: for people to understand that they have a choice and that they should really follow joy.
Several people, same incarnation: imprints
This is something many sceptics take as an argument. Dolores Cannon dealt with this a lot. For the longest time, she could not really give an answer: but then, as she progressed in her work, she got more complex information come to her. On the other side, before we are being born, we can choose imprints from other people’s lives to learn from for our own.
These imprints are as impactful as all the other lives – it does not matter for you if it was an imprint or an organic life that you actually lived. You are still going to learn the lessons, you will still feel what they felt, what impacts and actions they made on other people. Before being born, you chose imprints form people with similar patterns or similar themes. You don’t want to be coming into a life and not have prepared yourself for it.
Soul groups
„You always come back with a soul group – a big group of people that you keep coming back with throughout your lives. The reason is that you can work out karma a lot faster together than if you start over new all the time.“
You always come back with a soul group – a big group of people that you keep coming back with throughout your lives. The reason is that you can work out karma a lot faster together than if you start over new all the time – you already have a history, there is already a feeling there. You have to constantly balance your emotions and relationships with people in your soul group with the people from your current life.
If you find people from your soul group, you will know. It is often family members, but also people that you just meet and feel like you have been knowing them for years. When you can’t stop talking to them, because it feels so familiar. Falling in love at first sight can only happen, if you already had a history with this person. There is no other way to have these feelings right from the beginning. Soul groups can be very big: once I had a client who asked his higher self, how many members his has. The higher self said: fifty thousand.
Future life regression
Future Life Regression: Time is an illusion
This is very hard to comprehend. I am not sure our human minds are made to comprehend this. The more I study spiritual things, the more it always comes through that on the other side, where we come from, there is no such thing as time. In our human lives, time is linear – but on the other side, it is forever expanding. If you pop out your timeline, you can go any way, you can go wherever. I tell my clients: be open to whatever may come through, don’t already have a preconceived idea because it is called past life regression. Your journey can go anywhere.
All these lives, all these different time frames are affected by each other. Still – what you see, is not set in stone. We have a free will. We can choose what we do – and with every choice we make, we influence the environment, our future.
Stories about the future
Once I had a lady who was an architect in the future. She was quite specific that they had a special kind of glass that was bendable and that the houses were very green, they had integrated plants into the oxygen flow. What I usually hear: people will have a space, an empty space which is their house. It is very minimalistic, clean, highly advanced technology.
They reuse this space for many different purposes. The space can be reprogrammed into a living room, a swimming pool, a party place - this one space can be used for many different things. This is something i often hear: that in the future, we will reuse a space that has many different functions.
Spirit guides
The truth is, we are never really alone. Spirit guides are non-physical beings, and they are with us all through our lives - when we are incarnated, when we pass, we always get guidance.
There is a whole army on different spirit guides. They come and go depending on what you are doing in your life. Spirit guides are a wonderful tool, they are there for us. But again, free will is the most important thing – they cannot interfere with our life, unless we ask them for help or guidance. You can actually ask them things: in your head, out loud, in written form.
My person technique: I write my questions down and go into a meditative state. I open my channel by visualizing and ask my spirit guides to come. It is difficult in the beginning – you question yourself. I always thought: Is this real, or am I making this up? But I got into it. It is like a muscle, or like music. You are not going to be the best piano player from just one try. You have to keep trying, trusting, acknowledging it for it to grow into something vibrant.
There are many different courses and books out there on how to channel the spirit guides. This is what I do in group regressions. In a group, you cannot access, the higher self – it is such a deeply personal space for people to tap into. The spirit guides are between the higher self and you. This is a little easier for some. If you ask something and pay attention to whatever may happen in your life, the answers will come right to you. Maybe you’ll hear a song on the radio and it is completely relating to your question. Or maybe you’re overhearing the conversation next to you and hear your answer. It is such a magical world we live in. Pay attention to all these different factors.
Modern spirituality
Spiritual closet
There are cultural differences concerning the openness for modern spirituality. In Canada, past life regression is completely normal. A lot of people do it. In Europe, people are not much into it yet.
Growing up, I never had spiritually grounded role models. If I saw something spiritual, it was always way far out from where I was – weird ladies, dressing very differently. But how wonderful would it have been if I did have role models? Normal people, but also very knowledgeable about all these amazing things? It would have been so much easier.
I find it really important to normalize spirituality. There are so many people that are spiritual, but they are still in the closet. If we speak freely about our experiences, I hope we encourage others to do the same. It is wonderful to have a foot in both worlds.
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