Öffne deine Akasha Chroniken mit dem Pathway Prayer© Prozess


And so we do acknowledge the Forces of Light
Asking for guidance, direction, and courage to know the
Truth as it is revealed for our highest good and the
highest good of everyone connected to us.

Oh Holy Spirit of God,
Protect me from all forms of self-centeredness
And direct my attention to the work at hand.

* Help me to know (myself/first name of individual being read)
in the light of the Akashic Records,
To see (myself/first name of individual being read)
through the eyes of the Lords of the Records,
And enable me to share the wisdom and compassion that the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones
of (me/first name of individual being read) have for (me/them).

* Wiederhole diesen zweiten Abschnitt 1x laut und 2x leise für sich. Beim ersten Mal sagt man nur den Vornamen der Person laut und beim 2. + 3. Mal ihren Vor- und Nachnamen leise für sich selbst.

The Records are now open.


I would like to thank the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones
for their love and compassion.
I would like to thank the Lords of the Akashic Records
for their point of view.
And I would like to thank the Holy Spirit of Light
for all knowledge and healing.
The Records are now closed. Amen
The Records are now closed. Amen
The Records are now closed. Amen


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